ielts buddy lesson series

IELTS Computer Based Test Practice

Reading and Listening (Academic)

Practice for the IELTS Computer Based Test Academic module with reading and listening tests based on the online test format. Includes one full listening and academic reading test and chance to find out your band score. 
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Tests Created by IELTS buddy

What's included?

  • Full Academic Reading Test
  • 1 hour - 3 readings
  • Full Listening Test
  • 30 mins - 4 sections
  • Band Score Calculator

Based on the real test 

The practice tests are based on the real format of the Computer Based IELTS Test so you can get genuine practice.

Find out your band score

The course includes a band score calculator. So keep to the timings and keep a record of your scores and you can work out your reading and listening level.

Genuine Test Practice

The tests are laid out as close as possible to the real computer based test format.

Answers are input on the computer and you can get your IELTS band score. 

A great chance for you to get real practice for taking the computer based test. 

Highlight and make notes as in the real test

Click to see which questions you got right or wrong and get a band score 

Course Contents

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